
How to Talk to Girls

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I would really appreciate it if some of you would give me advice. Before you tell me anything i just want to say i have already been told to be confident and be myself ( Which i do ) , around girls. So what exactly , WITHOUT ANY PICK UP LINES, could i talk to a female about ,and say to her, at my school that im interested in ? A few girls have told me that there interested in me , but im such a nervous guy that i dont no what to say to keep them interested in me. This is my freshman year in highschool and i havent had a GF yet. So it wouldnt hurt me to at least KNOW what to say when i freeze up. And yeah i know im young and will have alot of time but i have to start somewhere right ? I know later in life that i dont want to be like this around women when im an adult.




  1. ask her if she wants to go have s*x and eat pizza if she says no just say what? you dont like pizza?  

  2. Feelings are the blockades for action,and the same feelings should act as a trigger for action.

  3. Find out what they like.  Most girls like to have someone around that will listen to them -- so ask questions about what they do ( sports, etc. ) If you find some common interests then you can contribute back.

    Ask questions, joke around, and listen.  That's my advice.  Just be attentive to what the girl you're talking to is interested in.  There's no one answer, every girl is different, but there's usually a subject that when you get to it they'll just make conversation easy.

    Good luck. (=

  4. talk about things you have in common. things she likes and dont talk about yourself to much unless she asks you questions about yourself.

  5. just try to get to know them, the real them, ask them stuff, it really depends on what kind of person they are, different people talk about different stuff, in general you can talk about movies, food, and hobbies.

  6. If you can't approach a girl without a prepared pickup line then you are not ready to communicate with girls.  If you are really interested in a particular girl, you will know instinctively what to say. Her attraction is so, that you can't do anything else then go to her, even if you stand around and kick the dust - from shyness.  If she likes, or is interested in you, she will start a conversation.

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