
How to ask my mom...?

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The other day I asked a question about ADD. Turns out I have alot of the symptoms. All the people told me to get checked out by a doctor, but the thing is I'm only 15 and I don't know how to ask my mom to take me to the doctor. She is very playful and is my best friend, but I dont think she will take me seriously if I tell her I might have ADD.




  1. Kids always think they do, just so they don't have to face the fact that they're just stupid.  

  2. if you think you have alot of symptoms it would be a good idea to tell her u think u have ADD. if u seriously want 2 be tested than your mom will believe what you r saying. just ask to talk 2 ur mom in a quiet place and tell her flat out whats going on.

  3. ignore the first guy. im smart too and i was 15 and got tested for ADD...luckily i dont have it...i suffer from test anxiety. that was what was making me lose focus.

    if you are concerned sit your mom down and tell her straight up that you want her to take you seriously and you think you might need to be tested. also if you have a teacher that has been having trouble with you in he or she notices you dont stay very focused for long or seem to act out...have your teacher get into contact with your mom and have them express their concern as well. tell your mom ADD is a serious matter and is not to be taken lightly. you really want her help love and support. good luck! =]

  4. ask a person from school to be a go between you and your Mother. a councilor or a teacher.

  5. just set her down, put on a serious, solemn face, and tell her. if you can, put on a really worried face

  6. you mom will understand, I dont think you are stupied after all you figured this out on your own

  7. hey you are 15. you should tell your mom you think you have add, if you have a lot of the symptoms if very likely you have it.  you are 15 you in high school and you will be old enough to drive next year and vote in 3 years that mean your old enough to ask your mom to take your the doctor because you think you have add.  kids with adhd are smart, but is very hard for you to concentrate so i think you should tell your mom you have add and they will help you my daughter is 14 and she takes adderall for her adhd and she much better when she takes it.

    she should take seriously maybe you just not hyper,  my daughter was told she has adhd when she was in 2nd grade because she was hyper but you should takes the pills if you have add becasue you will do a lot better in life  
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