
How to bargain?

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How to bargain?




  1. Techniques to bargaining:

    1. Approch the store, act interested in an item.

    2. When you have choosen it, ask the vendor for the price.

    3. They will give a fairly high price to start off with. You will want to immediatly state your price.

    ie. They say "$30", shake your head and reduce it to a reasonable price. Lets say $24.

    4. This pattern continues until both come to an agreement or the deal is called off. Most vendors act desperate that they will loose money if they give something to you at your price, DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. Most prices are way overpriced for profit.

    At times walking away can be a benifit. You can tell when you have won when the vendor chases you down to sell you the item.

  2. u go to the shopkeeper, ask for your wanted price, if he disagrees then walk away, hoping he will ask you come back and give u that price

  3. find a cheap restaurant or KFC

  4. Let's say you want to buy something from a street vendor. The asking price is $25. (At this point take out $18 from your wallet.)You say, "That's a very nice item, but I can only afford $18.00."

    Well, the vendor says, "I can let you have it for $22.00" You say, "That's still kind of high. How about $20?" Then you go back and forth until you reach an agreeable price.

    It's important to have an idea of how much you are willing to actually spend for something. If you really want the item, you may pay a little more. You have to get a feel for this. But, take the money out of your wallet to show intent to purchase. If the vendor won't come down to your price, say thank you and walk away. You'll probably find the same or similar thing somewhere else.

  5. you cant bargain in the restaurant,while easy to say that you cant bargain on food.Only one thing for sure that can bargain is at bugis street only for things.While if u when a cheap restaurant you may go to Sakura,Magic Wok or Nana Thai.hope this will help you...

  6. When you take out  your wallet, half the battle is won by the vendor, all you do is ask, is that the best you can do on your price and be prepared to walk.  But the best part is, while asking the question, make your face interested, and shove your right arm in to your blazer or pants back pocket to pretend you are getting out  your wallet, it works for me all the time.

  7. for me, if the item is price say $30 and I am only willing to pay $25 for it, I will offer say $21. Mostly likely the vendor will say no no, $27 can... then u say erm, okie $23... So back and forth it will lay very near to ur ideal price of $25
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