
How to battle hooliganism?

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How to battle hooliganism?




  1. Send all these wasters to the front line!!,when confronted with a real >life or death situation.?.. they would happily return to the comfort of their pathetic insulate society within their local pub; complaining about the world; their obese wives and dysfunctional kids ,who will no doubt become the next generation of inherited a******s???

  2. Have a hooligan stadium and let them hooli-dooli each other.


  3. make hooliganism legal, and then it will lose its appeal,

    they cant be rebellious if its legal.

    loses its appeal  

  4. Just ignore the idiots.

    They're only doing it to get attention.

    (Being raised by parents who were more interested in their television set than their children will do this to a person, you know).

  5. you have to scare them and make them respect you.  When they come out to do something were a leather mask and get a chainsaw without the actual chain on it then rear it up and run at them waving it above ur head.  It will scare the s*&t out of them.  While they run away u have to yell dont ever come on my lawn again!! then cuss manaiaccally

  6. get a bunch of hooligans

    leave them in separate rooms that are exactly the same

    see who does the most vandalism in a certain amount of time

    to their room

    EDIT: OOOHHH how to battle it

    umm i dunno

    all the methods they're using now isnt exactly working

    oh i know, take to a church for prayers

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