
How to be an intresting person?

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i'm 17 years old and at party's, there is always them people who everyone likes to talk to.

The person who has intresting things to say, who everyone laughs at , who everyones respects.The one whos centre of attention. I want to be that person.

But HOW? lol

No alcohol included please haha!




  1. this might seem obvious but the only person you can be is yourself. If you try and be somebody you are not just to impress people you will come across as fake. Real friends will like you for who you are; they are the peole who are worth having around.

    Just because you are not surrounded by people hanging on your every word doesn't mean that you are not an interesting person. Some people just exude charisma and people feel naturally drawn to them, I don't think it's something that they deliberately try to do. I am sure that you are interesting and fun in you own right, you just need to find a way to express yourself as an individual. Try and find common ground with people and look for ways of expressing your natural talents and you will be a lot more respected than just trying to copy other people. Good luck :)

  2. you just have to be extra talkative and a little more open to share bits of your life without really exposing all of yourself. if you get that youll appear interesting to tehm

  3. that's because that person has confidence.  He is not self conscious of himself.  people like confidence.  Also being a happier person can affect the way people see you.  smile more often to bring a friendlier image.  If it's jokes you're after, watch some stand up comedy it helps.  

  4. self-esteem and confidence  

  5. just be yourself, you'll have way more fun rather than spending the  whole time worrying  did i do this right? what should say?

  6. If something interests you, learn all you can about it.  Dogs, cooking, fashion, whatever.  And smile.  People are attracted to smiling faces.    

  7. i'm afraid you can't be unless you choose to degrade yourself.... you don't need to be the popular one to have a great time, you should just enjoy being around your friends. if you do that, and you guys all look like you're having a good time, then people will start to come over and join in. if you're enjoying yourself people will want to be a part of that, but if you try to fit in, then you won't. you'll jsut end up being that girl who tries to hard... hope that helps!

  8. be proud of who you are even if you are not those things.  

  9. lol im usualy the MOST relaxed one that brakes up pointless fight and other stuff you know calm them down

    i have sleepy eyes not that sleepy that they look shut but like i look really calm and i get allot of attention

    ppl say i can be an actor but nahh dont want to

  10. b***s Show b***s LOL just playin'

    You just have to mingle a lot, stand tall, feel pretty because when you look good, you feel good, and you do good, get hobbies so  you have stuff to talk about but remember to talk about other interest, ask them question about them too

    Don't try too hard

  11. Well the only way is alcohol so.............

    jk just be urself.

    you don't need to be someone ur not.

  12. Well,

    There are some people who LOVE to talk about themselves, so ask them what theyv'e been up to recently and try to get them talking. When they start telling stories or jokes, that can remind you of something, and stuff will just come naturally.

    If that doesn't work, just try planning ahead, and thinking of jokes or fun stories to tell.

    Here's a random joke just for fun, lol

    So you hold up your hand and ask someone who you are with 'do you know what this is' and they will most likely say something like 'it's a hand' or something random, then you say 'it's a brain sucker' then you put ur hand on someone's head and say 'do you know what it's doing?' and they will say something like 'idkk' or 'sucking their brain?' and you sayyy 'No, it's starving'

    HAHAHAHA... i just love that joke, and people seem to think it's funny, sooo just for kicks I decided to throw that in my answer, haha

    Also, try to be enthusiastic the whole time [without being like, annoyingly peppy] and even if your having the worst time of your life, act like you've never had more fun. Because people HATE to talk to downers or people who are moping.

    Have fun :]

    hope I helped, lol  

  13. be funny. dance. make fun of yourself. joke around. smile a lot. and if ppl don't like you... laugh at themm

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