
How to be great at guitar?

by  |  earlier

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both electric and acoustic. I plan on playing rock, metal, and the blues. I have a Ibanez electric/acoustic.




  1. uhhhhhhhh PRACTICE.

  2. It would help to know your experience, but if you're a beginner, practice on barre chords a lot. If you're advanced, look at videos of the pros and learn from them.

  3. You can start be learning the BASICS... learn how to read music... learn music theory and harmony... learn chords and how to pick individual notes... Great guitar players learn the BASICS first before they jump into music that is way over their head.

    It sounds to me like you have a new guitar and a wet dream of being a great guitar player... it takes WORK... and it takes PRACTICE... hours and hours of practice just to get to the point where you are a GOOD guitar player... becoming a great player can take a lifetime

  4. Practice. A lot. Try doing bar chords and power chords. You will need them for that type of music.

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