
How to beat stress? ?

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I am really stressed out and i am starting year 11 on Wednesday and i was wondering what the best way to beat stress it.. thanks x




  1. I'm starting Y10 on Wednesday :-|

    Try going for a Walk or something you enjoy, Have your faviroute drink and listen to music you really like while maybee exercising? exercisings supposed to be good

  2. easy method that always works. Exercise

  3. Do something that you love to do. Like listen to music or read. I like to go hang out with an old friend or find a new hobbie! But make sure you do it in a healthy way!

  4. exercise and deep breaths

  5. deep breathing execises can help somewhat. to do them you need to to hold your shoulders down from your head. then breath in through your nose to a count of 8. hold to a count of 4 then slowly release through the mouth to a count of 8. repeat until you start to feel more relaxed. this is somrthing that with a little time you can do anywhere at anytime without anyone knowing that you are doing. others things that you can do are execising such as walking. i am disabled due to a stroke but even i can walk around a mall on a cane at a leisurely pace and relax while i am doing it. a nice drive through trees and farmland also works for me particularly in the fall watching the leaves as they change colours nad fall from the trees.  
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