
How to become a Vet?!?

by Guest61919  |  earlier

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I want to be a vet right.. i know everything about what grades to get, what experience you need, how to apply, the different universities and lalaalaaa

but how do i specify it down and become eligible to be an equine vet? Or is this included in the general vet degree =S I am so confused hehe. how long will it take and everything? going into year 11 now so i have a couple years to think through everything but i need the hand on experience now don't I? I used to work in a riding school but it closed down

any other experience that is good??







  1. it is so difficult to get onto vet courses. You need straight As at A level, but it is ESSENTIAL to get some relevent work experience. If you really want to do this then you have to make a huge effort - find other stables, get in touch with local vets, try the RSPCA and see if they have any ideas. Are there any charities that work with horses, donkeys etc that look for volnteers? You need to really have something that makes you stand out from the other applicants, beacuse there are so few places in uni. Best of luck.

  2. okkies you will have to go through vet school which is ussually 4-5 years depending where you go and what country your in. as you get into your 4th and 5th year you can specialize a little into equine subjects then after you finish your degree at uni there are specialized courses you can do in any field. some are short courses or you can do ones that are like a year long. just depends what you actually want to learn. but you can already be working as a vet at this time and go to uni part time for the short courses. while working as a vet make sure you get a job in the correct feild (equine for you).

    you will be spending alot of time and money at uni so be ready for that. and make sure you really love what you want to do. try other subjects in uni just so you get a feel for other areas in vet science.  been in uni for almost 6 years done zoology and marine bio and now im a vet nurse thinking of going back to the torchure of uni for vet science :P

    good luck!!!

  3. The British Equine Veterinary Assoc. should be able to answer all your questions:

  4. The veterinary degree includes everything from the smallest companion animals, to farm animals, equines and even a bit of exotics. You have to study all the science, the clinical aspects to all species and pass the whole lot. Then you have to go out and get a job in a practice as a junior vet. Once you have enough experience, then you can start to think about specialising but in the meantime, just concentrate on getting good enough grades to get in to a vet school in the first place. Roughly 95% of applicants fail to get in because their school grades aren't good enough, so that should be your entire focus now.

  5. I want to be a vet to! Anyways I knoe that you have to go to collage for 6-8 years including the first 4 years.  (depends if you do small or big animals.)
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