
How to boil rice?

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How to boil rice?




  1. Here's the ghetto version, how I learned! Turn the stove up to high heat. Get a pot and fill it with rice, fill all the way to the first line on your index finger, clean the rice, then fill with water up to the 2nd line on your index finger. Put the pot on the stove, and let the water boil. When the water is at a rapid boil, put the heat down to low and cover. The water will evaporate and the rice will be done in about 10 minutes! do not take the lid off the pot, because the heat is what cooks the rice.

  2. Boil the water and put the rice in with som salt and close the lid

  3. wash the rice

    take some water in a utensil and put some rice in it.and keep it on a low heat.

  4. put some rice inside bowl and add some water and boil star the rice cooker until cook and serv

  5. There's a few ways to boil rice, but you always double the amount of water to the amount of rice you cook.  Eg. 1 cup of rice = 2 cups of water, 2 cups of rice = 4 cups of water, etc...

    1) microwave (most microwaves have a sensor for rice cooking)

    2) boil it

    3) steam it

    Only rinse rice raw, then cook it using the 3 different methods above.  Rinsing the rice raw will take the starch out, but NEVER rince rice once it is cooked.

  6. boil it with the lid to the pan on, let it set until the water evaporates.

  7. 1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water

  8. In a slow cooker with lots of carrots and peas ............a perfect meal

  9. !:put it in water

    2: clean it once

    3: boil it in a air locked pan
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