
How to boost self-esteem?

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Hi everyone, well I'm a 14 year old and I'm about to go to highschool. I guess its just a part of puberty, but I think my self esteem is really low... any shrinks out there now a way I can get it up? like a daily routine or something?




  1. Hi there, I have a website that deals with self esteem, got some tips and stuff on how to improve it.

    Just go to the self esteem tab.  Theres lots of good links to, should be able to find some useful stuff.

    Best of luck

  2. Going to high school is not easy and puberty isn't either.  Unfortunately, the two go together all the time.  Just remember that you are not alone and that most of the other students are feeling the same as you but they are not necessarily showing it the same way.  

    Some will be very cocky or arrogant which is also a way to hide low self-esteem or hide their insecurities.  You seem to have very good insight of how you feel.  Not many teens your age have that.  Good for you!  Find an adult you trust when you'll be at school and talk to them, it will make you feel better.

    You are very right in saying that a daily routine is very important.  Exercise, eating well and sleeping enough is very important.

    You sound very normal, good luck with everything!  You'll be fine.  Remember that you are not alone.  Your school will be filled with kids feeling the same way as you!

    Good luck.

  3. hang out with ugly people

  4. work out, smile, and be happy :D lol

  5. oh kid just look up. theres no reason to worry about high school. my first day of high school was awesome. now i'm still waiting for my last day!! lol boost your self esteem by just keeping yourself busy. do something you're awesome at. then show it offfff =]

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