
How to break amnio water?

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how do doctors break amnio water




  1. They actually have a hook that looks like a long crochet hook. They snag the bag, puncture a hole and the water leaks out. Or gushes I guess. It doesn't hurt at all.

  2. it breaks by itself..

    but sometimes a doctor insert an instrument into the your ....and break your amino sack..

  3. with a thin, long stick, that has a hook at the end... just don't try it yourself because of possible infection

  4. they use what looks like a big crowe shae(cant spell) hook... it doesnt really hurt just a lil pressure...

  5. They insert a long thin plastic rod with a small hook on the end of it.  It does not hurt. Had it done 3 times.

  6. they stick an instrument about the width of  a pencil with a hook on the end, into ur v****a where they hook the amniotic sac and pop it like a water balloon! yikes! had it done!

  7. How do you break a balloon? You have to puncture it.

    Believe me, the less you know it will be better for delivery. The doctors will know what to do.

  8. i just want points for answering

  9. Usually with a hook-like instrument, but they can also use other instruments depending on the circumstance.

    When I gave birth to my son, I had already pushed his head almost out (you could actually see it at my opening) and my water still had not broken!

    My doctor used a smaller, scalpel-like instrument and punctured the amniotic sac, causing it to break. I didn't feel it, but water sprayed everywhere! =/


          Description and Official Rationale

    Amniotomy is frequently performed on women who labor in hospitals for the purpose of speeding up their labors, or for insertion of the internal electronic fetal monitor; occasionally it is performed so that the physician can take fetal blood samples, and/or ascertain whether or not there is evidence of meconium staining (fetal bowel movement), which under the technocratic model is considered to be indicative of fetal distress. The procedure is simple: a hospital attendant inserts an instrument like a crochet hook through the cervix, and snags and breaks the amniotic sac.  

  11. They stick a little hook that is really thin into your cervix and break the bag.

  12. Doctors use an amniohook which is like a tiny crocheting hook to  snag the amniotic sac through the cervix. The amniotic sac has no feeling therefore it is not painful.

  13. through it agianst the wall.

  14. they just use a hook that kind of looks like a crochet hook.  They put it through the opening in your cervix. It dosen't hurt and more than when they check to see how dilated you are

  15. They use a tool similar to the "hook" one uses to pull hair through a highlighting cap.

  16. with a long instrument that has a hook on the end, they stick it up there, process takes 2 seconds and then you feel like you are peeing on yourself lol....please don't try this at home...

  17. I don't think they actually break the sac, just scratch it and try and get it to break on it's that what you mean?

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