
How to care for a duckling ?

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How to care for a duckling ?





    Good luck!

  2.                                           Nutrition


          Ducklings do not need food or water for the first 72hrs.  Their body has retained the yolk sac from the hatching egg for nutrition.


          If food and water are available they will start to eat and drink on their own at the 24-48hr. mark.


          Ducklings need a waterfowl or game bird starter.  It is very important that it is non-medicated feed. Feed containing Amprolium can be used. Organ damage can occur if a medicated chick starter is used.  The protein range is usually 18-20%.


          For the first few weeks they will need a constant supply of food and water.


          If they have food water must be present or they can choke to death.  Ducklings will take a mouthful of food and then take a drink in order to swallow.


          Depending on the size of the duckling they should be switched to a pelleted food at 3-4 wks. This has less waste.



          Ducklings need a warm brooder box. I have never checked the temp. in any of my boxes, but it needs to be around 90 degrees and draft free.


          A brooder light can be purchased at a local feed store. These lights can take up to a 250-watt bulb. You will only need a bulb that big if you are brooding outdoors or have a large area.


          I use a Rubbermaid tub. This will require a 60-100 watt bulb to be on depending of how many ducklings and how high it is suspended.


          You will know that the ducklings are warm enough if they are moving around the entire area.  They will fall asleep alone instead of in a group.  If they are too cold they will huddle together, and you will need to lower the light or go to a higher wattage.  If they are too warm they will breathe with their bill open and will not go near the heat light.  If they are too warm try to decrease the wattage or raise the bulb.


          I start with the 100-watt bulb and do not place it in the middle.  It is placed off to one side.  That way they can get away from the heat.


          After they are 10 days to 2 wks. I begin to decrease the heat until the bulb is off.  They need to be monitored as described in #4.  Eventually they can be moved to the porch/garage and then outside.


          Bedding in the brooder can be wood shavings or old towels.  No newspaper as this gets slippery and can lead to leg problems.  

  3. Hi! :)

    How old is the ducking?  Is it with its mom or?  About how old is it?  If its really young it is best to get some duck starter feed at a farm store like TSC.  Also get a light (made for baby turkeys, chickens, ducks) to keep it warm.  Keep water in the pen at all times.

  4. In addition to what TJ K said... do not feed them bread. This can cause medical issues including causing them to drown. Best to feed them formula for ducks.

    TJ K should get you best answer selection thus far.

    Good luck!  

  5. Ducks eat the chicken scratch. And no matter how small the bowl of water is, they will try to swim in it! haha. Ohh! Them smell, adn they can be really loud!  

  6. First, slice the b*****s off of the backbone, and separate the legs.  Discard the rest.  Flash fry the legs in some olive oil to brown all sides, then throw them into a 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes (season as you like).

    The b*****s need to be seared on the fat side for about 5 minutes to crisp up and render the fat.  Then they can go into the oven too.  But check them for done-ness frequently.  They should remain red in the middle.

    Prepare a sauce of your personal choice. I prefer some apricots in red wine.  Just reduce the wine with the apricots in it, season, and drizzle over the duck.

    Serve with potato of some sort.


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