
How to contact a college professor...?

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There's a professor at a college out in Vancouver who I'm trying to get in touch with. He keeps both his phone number and his email address private, so I'm thinking of writing a letter. I assume that I should put the address on the envelope with the professor's name at the top. That way when it gets to the school, they can just put it in his mailbox.

There may be some better way to do it, but I'm just making sure. I'm not really experienced at writing to important people.




  1. You might try the administrative assistants at the school.  Ask them how to contact the professor.  There may be an assistant that could answer your question.  Many professors have an administrative assistant of their own.  These people are usually much easier to reach.  

    A formal address should list the school name on the first line.  Put

    Attention: Mr or Dr Professor

    on the next line.  

    You could also email the school and ask them to forward your message to the professor.

  2. He is a teacher and you have no way to email him?? All of my teachers had to give us their school email's and their office numbers. I would contact your adviser and ask how to get up with him, there has to be a better way than sending him a letter, that seems a little rude of him.  

  3. That is exactly how I would do it. Make sure to keep the letter formal, and you should be fine. You might not hear back from him immediately if classes haven't begun yet, because he might be somewhere else, but since there's no other way to get in touch with him, that will have to work.

  4. Kevo,

    I'm sure he has school email and it should be on the syllabus he gave out the first day of class. Or you can contact the Academic Dean to get that information. Have a great day!

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