
How to control worms in garden?

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the worms in the soil are reproducing too fast and r thriving on the roots,hence causing damage to the plants.I know worms r gud ,but not when they r eating plants.




  1. Use a chair and a whip,Like lion tamers do.Be careful those worms can be vicious.

  2. worms on the plant you can get spray for but worms in the dirt are good.You didn't say where they are.The big fat green ones on the leaves will eat your plant away.There are all kinds of spray to kill them at any local store.

  3. they are good for your garden.anyways the birds will eat them.

  4. worms in the garden are good for the soil!  why control them?!?

  5. If they're just plain earthworms, you don't want to control them. They play a very important role in fertilizing the soil. I have one area that I have kept covered with leaf litter for a couple of years, and the worms have turned that into rich, black soil. That's where my garden is this year and I have never had such yields!

    If you're talking about non-beneficial worms, like cutworms, just pick them off plants by hand, you likely won't kill them all with sprays and such. Another good thing is to wrap aluminum foil around the stems of plants, expending into the dirt about an inch, that will keep cutworms off.

    Another thing you could possibly be talking about are caterpillars. They can eat and eat, and ravage the foliage on your plants in a hurry. Once you have a colony of caterpillars established, you really can't do much. While I personally wouldn't kill them, I actually keep some plants just for the black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars, you can mix some water and a few teaspoons of dish soap in a sprayer and spray the plants liberally. It shouldn't harm the plants, but will get rid of pests.

    Then again, you could be talking about grubs. Those are nasty little critters, and the only way I've found to get rid of them is using a product specifically for grub control. I use the granulated kind and then water it into the soil.

    For all I know, you've already added details, and I've typed all this for nothing lol. But, that's how to control almost any 'worm' you might find in your garden :)

    ETA: It's not earthworms eating the roots of your plants, more likely grubs or ants.

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