
How to cure creaking floorboards?

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although the house is 3 yrs old, shocking build quality meant the staircase and landings creak and some rooms too. how can i cure this in a professional way without being too costly or having to remove and replace them.




  1. replace the boards...

    best of luck

  2. The boards which go to make up your staircase and your floorboards in general, have been put down with little care from what you have said.

    What you can try is adding a few more nails.  However, I recommend you drill a small hole for each nail first carefully by hand, since this will stop wood splits.

    What's happening to cause the boards to creak is insufficient nails holding them down so that they move up and down, either rubbing against each other or else squeaking on the nails.

  3. i was told this cure along time ago by an old carpenter, i suffered the same problem years ago, i tried s******g them down, it works for a while but as wood expands and shrinks, the problem returns, then i was told to lift the carpets and sprinkle talcom powder between the joints of the floor boards and low and behold the problem went away, im told the talcom powder acts as a lubricant and stays in place as the wood expands and shrinks, plus the room always smells fresh. hope this cures your problem as it cured mine, good luck

  4. do not re nail then.s***w then down.

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