
How to deal with depression?

by  |  earlier

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hey, I'm 14 years old and I'm going through a lot right now.

my mom has had schizophrenia for about 5 years now and cant support me like all other other moms do at school. sometimes i feel like my parents are forgetting about me. at my 8th gade graduation they wernt there. and i felt really left out because all the other kids got flowers and balloons and i just stood there.

and my dad is always at work and supports us. he tries his best to make us happy. but my sister and I both know we dont have any money because of all the medical bill my dad has to pay for my mom.

we dont have much money and i feel really depressed right now, my dad is always thinking about how to pay the bills and i feel like if they didnt have me then they might be at a better place right now...

how can i deal with this? i just cant talk to my dad, hes the strict kind, i dont feel comfroble talking to him what so ever

so i came to you guys.

can anyone help me?




  1. Best way & cheapest way is to do exercise. If your body and mind is healthy and strong, you can handle more stress. Also exercise can produce hormon that make you feel happy. I myself like to do aerobics.

    Just do between 1/2 to 1 hour and you are glad you do it.

  2. I am 50 years old and have had seasonal depression and anxiety since I was your age. I didn't realize I had depression or anxiety until I was an adult. I just suffered as a child and was always feeling down. I am glad you recognize you have a problem with depression. You need to get on a good antidepressant and/or an anti-anxiety. I take Zoloft and it works well. I had to try several different medications before I found one with the least side effects and one that works. Ask your school nurse or counselor to get you an appointment with a doctor and get treatment and whatever you do, please do not harm yourself. If you reach that point call a helpline and get help.

  3. I'm in somewhat of a similar situation.  My mother is sick (just got released from the hospital this morning, actually), we are falling into a money crisis, we're in tons of debt, etc, etc.  All I can say is, you won't be living there forever.  Five more years and you'll be in college, away from your hectic household.  And as far as depression goes, it sucks.  A lot of people have it and I guess we just deal with it...or drink and do drugs.  Whichever satisfies your soul.  I picked the second. :]

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