
How to do better farming?

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How to do better farming?




  1. Your question is rather vauge to say the least.  I may not be telling what you need to hear, but I'll give it a try.

    You need to know the limitations imposed by the soils, topography and climate on your farm.  For example, there's no way you could grow corn on arid rangeland in Utah.

    You need to produce a saleable commodity if you want to make any money, effectively market it or hire someone to market it.

    You need the management skills or to hire the management skills to acheive what you want.  For example, even though you know all about growing corn, you may hire a crop scout to look for insect outbreaks.

    You need to manage the operation with sustainability in mind.  In other words, you need to use methods that keep soil erosion losses to a minimum to maintain soil productivity, manage your finances to produce the most income with the least expense (not necessarily the most gross income, but the most net), produce a commodity that isn't a flash in the pan (ostriches, emus, llamas, etc) and have an operation that is flexible.  Be able to switch from corn to beans, cattle to sheep, etc effectively and with the least disturbance to you, your finances and the farms resources.

  2. If you are farming badly, it is best to identify teh problems you have, those that you create, those inherent in the location or market.

    Do not try to solve everyone else's problems instead of your own. But do look to see who around you has found a better way. If you think you have heard a better way, talk it over with neighbors you respect, even check it out with your agricultural college. There may be very good reason why that apparently better way would be dead wrong for your own situation.

    Do not assume you can or should apply what may be sound practices in England to farming in central Alberta or vice versa. Look at the circumstances it works in, Learn from the experience of others, but always be alert to differences that might make their experience relevant to your situation.  

    Travel around your state or province, country, to discover who is doing better farming... even ask your local Ag-rep for advice on who to talk to.

  3. Dont spray any pestiside at all.

    Because what we eat today, im mean vegetables and fruit already been poisoned by pestiside chemical. Even worm know to choose between poisoned and natural one, why we still eat that fresh & smooth skin when we know that are poisoned. So be a good farmer, solve it by ecological balance or control. u can take that from book at the library nearby your home.

  4. Water



  5. matter of fact, it is now revolving to smaller farms wherein smaller growers are providing fine produce in the smaller markets, thus they take better care of the land than large corporate businesses that provide volume in a one variety of produce...tomatoes is a good example of different varieties grown by smaller growers vs. a one or two variety in major grocery stores

  6. To really answer your question one must answer  the questions: 1) better than what  2) better for who. For example many people would say organic farming is better than conventional farming (and this may be the answer you are looking for), this would answer better than what. Now you have to answer, better for who. The organic food may be better for your health, and some people claim taste better, but if all farming switched to organic many people would starve because not nearly as much food would be produced. So definitely not better for everyone. There are many ways we could improve farming, doing away with battery farming and raising all livestock free range would be a big improvement, and is the way I farm, but you have to consider the net results which would again be expensive food and a lot of starvation. Sustainable farming is probably be the best way to improve farming today that would be better for everyone in the long run.

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