
How to dump a virgo man?

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I'm a cancer woman that has been dating and living with this virgo man for about a year, but over the last couple weeks I've thought about dumping him, because of the huge age gap between us, he's in his early 40's and I'm 25, and he's already settled, has two kids and I'm just barely starting. Because of my job, I'm on the road a lot, and my virgo man doesn't want to go, he wants to stay at the house with his kids, and he said he would wait for me to come home, but I can't take that kind of pain, missing him and not having him there next to me when I need him. And, there is this scorpio guy I've meet a couple weeks ago, he's 34, and a total hottie and would like a relationship with me, and we hang out as much as we can. Advice please? Should I dump the virgo for the scorpio?




  1. 1. Grab a pencil.

    2. Say "This is us."

    3. Break the pencil.

    Astrologically speaking, you're better off with the Scorpio but umm... I dunno. o_O

  2. here it dont make a diff if he virgo cancer or libra tell him its over  

  3. I am a virgo woman that just dumped her virgo male of 7 years.  I dumped him over the phone, but he doesn't have a clue and keeps calling and emailing. You will have to ignore him in order to keep him away from you.    

    I suggest you not date the Scorpio because they are nothing but players.  They like to "w***e" around and don't have a conscious when it comes to their significant other.  

  4. They both should dump you for being such a s**t.

    They both probably will anyways.

  5. It doesn't matter when they were born and what their sign is! Just break up with the guy you don't like anymore and start dating the other one.

  6. just dump him over the phone its the easiest thing ever. in that way you dont have to see him.. good luck..

  7. Warning---

    After breaking up with a virgo man they may become very clingy and he will try to fulfill the things that he lacked in to try to keep you. When you end it with the Virgo, it's important that you cut off ties-becuase he will keep coming back.


    Scorpio men have a lot of sexual energy. They are intense. Yes there is always something about a scorpio guy that will keep any womans attention for a little bit asking "What if?" They are also a HUGE flirt...Be careful with what ever decision you make. Either way you have gotten yourself into an extreme relationship!!

  8. well as a virgo your nonconfrontational, so just ignore him....and move one hehehehehhe

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