
How to edit pictures like this...?

by  |  earlier

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hi ^-^,

well i use "gimp" [] when i edit my pictures.

anyways, yeah, i was wondering how to make eyes stand out.

like as soon as you look at the picture, the first thing that catches your attention, are the eyes. like i want them to look intense, lol :]

here are some examples:

mostly, like i want them to look like this:

like, with a glow to them

thanks!!, if you know how to do that in photoshop too, you can just say it, maybe if i know what its called i could figure it out haha :)




  1. Biggest secret is to be subtle  - if you overdo it, it won't look good anymore.

    You could try any one (or several) of the following. Always do them on a duplicated layer so you can change the opacity of that layer to suit, or scrap it and start again if necessary.

    1) Slightly increase the saturation (sponge tool) of the iris.

    2) Slightly dodge the white part to make it whiter.

    3) Slightly blur the skin, then apply a mask to bring back the sharpness to the eyes.

    4) Make sure the catch lights are visible, if not - help them along a little.

    5) Intensify/darken existing makeup and/or lashes.

    Don't forget that not every photo wants or needs the exact same treatment. Be flexible and experiment a lot.

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