
How to excel in ur studies?

by  |  earlier

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i get good marks but how to increase my marks as everybody says that i'v got the potential




  1. Your concentration, sincere, dedicated involvement and hardwork.

  2. No pain no gain brother! That's the way it goes...

  3. Think u r the best in the world and continue to suceed...

    But that should not create head weight in u...

  4. Hard work is the only key to success

  5. Hard work

  6. 1)prepare,collect and write your notes for only one subject at a time.

    2)by-heart the notes

    3)recall the day as much as you can when your teacher had started the lesson and recall her explanation

    4)ask your brother or sis or parents or friend to ask you question only from the notes first

    5)make some flash cards

    This takes a long time.THAT IS WHY--->Hard work is the master key to success

  7. cocentrate on what u r doing.

    dontvget distracted and keep revising whatever u have learnt that will make u perfect and confident.and i agree with the above answer too,hardwork is the only key to success

  8. check dis link

    hope dis helps

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