
How to fight a golf slice?

by  |  earlier

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I've been having trouble wtih a push and push slice in my golf swing. I've been trying to go more inside out but still have problems coming accross my chest....but like many I have a problem pulling my arms accross my chest early thus end up going outside in? Will early release of the club allow my arms to more naturally and easily go from inside out? Havent had a chance to go back to the range since i thought of this? What are you thoughts? Focus on the inside out and hopefully the cllub will realease in time...or focus on the club release and this will promote the inside out plane? Im trying to break the swing down in parts so i can figure this thing out...thanks.




  1. The reason you can't hit the ball from inside out is because you've gotten yourself in a bad position at the top and can't swing any other way without falling over.  Releasing the club should not be your focus at all.  You need to develop more sound fundamentals so that you are balanced, then the downswing and release are the easy and fun part of the swing.  Work on your grip, set up posture and takeway - once those are correct, you just let it rip and the slice will be gone.

  2. Sounds like you're swinging with hands and arms.  Try starting the club back by turning your left hip, then start the downswing by turning your right hip.  Light grip, let your arms be passive and loose while trying to keep the left reasonably straight.

    You can feel the club whip through on the inside.  Your torso is much stronger than your arms, and will hit the ball farther.  It's just more intuitive to hit with your arms, that's why golf is so difficult to learn.  

    Aslo, by using hip action you'll make a much better turn back and through, should hit the ball more consistently.

  3. I like the first answer :-) I was thinking how to explain what worked for me and they did a better job explaining than I ever could. Basically I started to work on a "trigger" point and let your tummy lead the way.

  4. <EDIT, look at the bottom for new advice.

    OK, you are making it too complicated. By attempting to make your swing have an inside to out path you have broken the core of your swing, the triangle formed between the arms shoulders and chest. I have just thought of a way to teach you how to keep this triangle formed.

    Stand with your nose about 10 inches from a wall. Put your right hand (if you are right handed) flat against the wall with your thumb extended.

    Your thumb should be at the same level as the bottom of your chin with the tip of your thumb about 12 to 14 inches to the right of where your chin is facing.

    Now move away from the wall without moving your elbow or shoulder from the current position. Now fully extend your left arm and place your left hand against your right hand and pretend like you are holding the club at the top of your swing.

    This should be close to the hand position you want at the top of the swing. Notice that the club will be out infront of your chest and not hanging out to the side of your right shoulder.

    From here you will be able to generate power through your back and keep the club in a position to where your arms wont be flopping around when you swing through.

    Think of it as being similar to a slap shot in hockey. The back is used to generate power and arms remain "quiet". Just keep your arms in the exact position in relation to your chest as they were when you adressed the ball (the triangle with both arms fully extended) until the shaft is parallel to the ground, then slightly bend your right arm as you lift your left arm towards the top of the swing.

    Practice these steps and i guarantee you will hit the baller alot farther and more accurately.

    {-EDIT- response to comment}

    If you are pushing the ball then you are not going over the top, your hands are lagging too far behind your shoulders, causeing an in to out swing plane and pushing the ball "out". You some times hook the ball when you over release the club to compensate for the pushing. Just try to minimize your arm and elbow movement. Try hitting a shot sometime without even bending your right elbow or lifting your arms at all (like a big chip shot with your driver. You will be surprised how far and straight you will hit it!

  5. Just give up on being a good golfer. There is no shame in being a hacker. I say aim left and let that slice rip!!

  6. I agree with the Doc. hes right do all that!

    another way to help you feel it if you cant seem to release is to either  go to the range and try to rip 100 draw shots all with the driver. thats good for finding your center, just make sure that once you do hit the draw, counter it with a slice and go back and forth that will help you find center. dont just keep hitting draws, you will never find center.

    the second method to help your current swing release is to place the ball about 2 full inches forward of normal position and tee it pretty high so you can still hit it. Then you swing for your normal position at the imaginary ball  where it would normally sit. The catch with doing this is you have to swing as hard as you can. It takes practice but you will certainly get a full release and gain about 30 yards in doing so but it takes practice and remember this is an exersise not a full time habit for yardage.

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