
How to fight?

by Guest58647  |  earlier

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How to fight?




  1. A good way to start would be to read up on martial arts and simple techniques. I'm from a pretty rough town so the best info i can give you is to just keep your guard up. Keep your fists in front of your face like in a boxing stance, when a person punches, dodge the direction he punches. Example, if they punch with right hand move right. After they punch (if you dodge it) you will have an opening, aim for the lower jaw. 2-3 punches there and they should be knocked out, usually just 2. there's nerves in your jaw and it helps when you hit them.

  2. The best self-defense martial art is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I have been training for almost a year but i train it because i just love it and i do is as a sport. It is a lot of fun and you should check it out.

  3. take up a martial art and i believe you mentality should be more how to defend rather then how to fight.

  4. learn a martial art! i know wrestling and im gonna take mui thai

  5. there is no get quick and be able to beat some one up twice your size magic class or online video. You have to just practice. I would give some local gyms calls. Rember this you have to do around 1500 of the same punchs to be able to snap them out with out thinking that much. So dont intend to go fight some one after your first day or class take some time
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