
How to flirt with a guy?

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can anyone give me some tips on how to flirt with guy




  1. You dont need to. Talking is sufficent.  If theres a mutal attraction then the rest will sort itself out.

  2. Smile. Guys love girls with pretty smiles :)

    Touch his arm or shoulder to get his attention

    Talk to him and be confident

    And most importantly be yourself because if you're yourself you'll find the RIGHT guy

    Good luck:)

  3. It usually happens instinctively... It's little things like laughing at their jokes... smiling in the their direction a couple of times... one thing that usually works is looking his way, if he looks at you kind of look away, look at him again and smile if he smiles back go over to him or w8 for him to come to you x

  4. so i can give tips, just laugh alot, and at strange moments seem far away in another land, its intriuging. and if you walk off at a surpsising time when he's not looking, watch to see what he does, if he looks for you, he's interested. and theres body language, keeps your knees pointing towards him, dunno why but it works. and one last thing, new and interesing hairstlyes are such a hit with boys. don't seem ditsy and girly, its infact quite annoying, but have an heir of intelligence, grace and ladylike qualities. that gets you their respect.

  5. Id say to smilee (:

    theres nothing boys like more than someone who smiles, bee confident && be yourself. Good luck (: x

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