
How to get into MMA fighting?

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well i want to learn how to get into MMA fighting and stuff but i dont know where to start?




  1. before even going as far as signing up for an MMA gym or any other intro martial arts like muay Thai or BJJ, i would get your cardio up... Ive been in MMA for about 4 years now and my first mistake was not getting myself in shape before going out and training to fight. after training for a couple of months by yourself and getting prepared for fight training then i would seek out an intro martial art to build up your stand-up game or ground game, then vice versa, and after training individual skills for a year or two i would look into finding an actual mma gym, and once you get to that point, your trainers will be able to help you get into actual fights and tournaments.... just make sure your mentally ready

  2. First, find a school near you.

    Second, actually research a little on the school.

    The biggest tip I would give you here is that if you are looking into MMA don't look for a standard Martial Art like karate or taekwondo. These martial arts lack the Cardio training that you really need for MMA. Another thing they lack is good transition into MMA. Schools like those don't expect you to deal with the things you will have to deal with in MMA. The key to getting into MMA is either finding a Mixed Martial Arts gym or learning all the different Martial Arts that feed into MMA seperatley.

    You don't need to train before you go or anything so don't listen to all that. But do be warned. If you are not in shape and you hop into a good gym(you should be looking for a school that seems more like a gym, mma is more about being conditioned for it than it is technique, just look at Tim Sylvia lol) it WILL be h**l. But you can get through all that.

    Basically look for these three things.

    Learn a Stand Up art. Most people do Muay Thai here. But Kickboxing is virtually the same thing. I wouldn't suggest any other art though

    Learn your Ground Game. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and there is almost no exception. Sambo, Judo, and Hapkido kinda play into this but not nearly as well as BJJ does.

    Learn to Transition. Wrestling ties into your ground game but it really shines as your stand up tool to get it on the ground. Sambo and Judo will help you here as well.

    But more than anything MMA is not just technique. Condition, condition, condition. Technique is soooo important but it means nothing if you can only throw your punches for two minutes. Running, Jump Rope, and High Rep-Low Weight Exercise will help you here.

    Good luck with your search and I hope you like MMA =D

  3. find out a local school near you. mma schools are very popular now. just google for them

    if there is none. I highly suggest you find a striking martial art to learn. Like kickboxing, muya thai, or boxing.

    Learn a takedown martial art. Wrestling or judo

    and a submission martial art. BJJ.

    All of these go a long way in helping make an mma fighter.

    hope this helps and good luck on your journey.

  4. There are schools that have MMA training in their curriculum.

    You could learn striking and grappling arts separately though, here are some suggestions:

    For striking: muay thai, sanshou, boxing, kyokushin karate.

    For grappling: Judo, Brazilian jiujitsu, wrestling.

    For a mix of grappling and striking: combat sambo, Shidokan karate.

    good luck!

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