
How to get into vet school?

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I would like to be a vet when after I graduate (I'm in 10th grade of high school) but I hear that it is extremely tough to get into vet school. I'm taking AP classes and I have a GPA of 3.7 so far. What do I need to do to get into vet School? What classes should I take? Would it be easier for me just to be a doctor? Do I have to go to college before vet school? Why?

Thanks for your time!




  1. Yes, it's tough to get into vet school.  Once you get in, it's also tough to stay in.  You sound like you're on the right track, though.  In addition to classes, look into some extracurriculars, like working at a vet's office, or something else having to do with animals.

    Some people do say med school is easier.  I suppose that makes sense - you'd only have to memorize all the bones, muscles, etc. of one species of animal that way :)

    Most vet school programs require a bachelor's degree to get into.  At Purdue (and probably some other places, too) they do have a Combined Degree Program.  More about that and other info for prospective students here:

  2. To become a veterinarian, you'll need four years of vet school in addition to a bachelor's degree.

    It's even harder to get into vet school than med school since there are only twenty-eight accredited programs in the United States.

    Preveterinary students often decide whether they want to work with pets or farm animals while they’re still undergrads.

    During your time in high school:

    Take as many science, math, AP® chemistry, English,  and AP biology courses as you can.

    Volunteer or intern at a local animal shelter, vet's office, clinic, zoo, stable, farm, or research lab.  

    Get as much hands-on experience with animals as possible.

    Get to know your pet’s veterinarian and ask him or her questions about the job.

    Most preferred Majors to take:

    Animal Sciences or

    Biology, General or

    Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management or

    Zoology or

    Preveterinary Studies

    Programs in preveterinary studies help you prepare for admission to vet schools by providing a strong base in science and other courses.

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