
How to get lice out?

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my cousin is 3 and got lice .today she came over and her mom wants to know how to get them out? can you help me find away so i can help my aunt and cousin.




  1. A friend of mine had to deal with this and she said the over the counter stuff (RID, I think) didn't work very well. She swears by Tea tree oil.

    In fact, she puts it in all their shampoo bottles and has them use that once a week to keep them from ever getting them again.

    Maybe look into a little research.

  2. You need to get a lice kit from the store. There is a special shampoo and a tiny comb. Your aunt is going to have to really work at for awhile to get them all out.

  3. you go to the drug store and get some lice killing shampoo.  The box will tell you everything, but if you have more questions the pharmacist can answer them for you.

  4. go out and buy the lice stuff (RID) and treat her hair.  get the gel egg remover! go over every strain of hair!!!!  make sure you treat the house!!  vaccuum everything, wash everything that can be washed bedding and furnature wise...they make a spray for that you can't wash....repeat in 1 week and the week after that and your lice problem should be no more.....if you don't go through completely and clean everything, then don't waste your time or money, shave everyones head.  Seriously, make sure you do a thorough cleaning and go through the childs hair completely.  you have to repeat the treatment because of missed eggs that could hatch.  believe me, i have went through this as a child.....i had it i know what i am talking about!

  5. Lice killing shampoo and a tiny comb or 1/2 cup vinager with a 1/2 cup water mixed together and wash the hair with it..  Let it sit in the hair for 5-10 min.  then use the fine tooth comb to brush her hair.  Also if you wash her hair once a month with the vinager wash it will prevent her from getting it again.

  6. they sell lice killing shampoo and on the box it will tell you everything you need to do

  7. you could try getting bottle of cheap hair conditioner, wet hair then cover in conditioner, and use a lice comb, and a lot will come out , as they cant stick to the hair anymore, smells nicer than the lotions.

  8. Bella, How nice of you to want to help your aunt and cousin out.  Reassure them that studies show that at any time about 10% of school agers have head lice so they are not alone.

    We also had a daughter with head lice about a yar ago and did alot of research and also used alot of products that failed.

    Here is what we did and it worked after being frustrated for a while:

    The chemical shampoo that you buy ends up with mixed results for many as can the mayo treatment and many of the other hoem remedies. Alot of head lice are becoming resistent to the chemcials that once worked and many people are choosing to not pour chemicals all over their heads.  For a 3 year old to have chemicals poured all over their head just does not make sense to me when there are other options that can work.

    For a good chemical free approach that works, you will need to use something like the NitFree line of chemical free head lice products to get rid of the ones that are chemical resistant. This is happening more often now than ever before.

    NitFree has a great mousse that works to dissolve the glue that is holding the nits to your hair. Their comb is great as it is a high quality comb that pulls the lice and nits out of your hair. And I would say that the comb is the key. If you do not get all of the eggs (nits) out, you will just have them hatching again in a week or so. The combs you get in the sotre or with the shampoo are basically useless. Our daughter has thick long hair and this comb worked for us.

    You will likely want to use the mousse twice (two bottles) and then after two applications of it, I would just coat your hair with conditioner and comb through with the NitFree comb wiping it on a tissue to see if you are getting any nits out.

    We buy the NitFree products at kleen-free. com.

    Additionally, you need to make sure that all of the clothes and bedding and pillow have been washed and/or dried at very high temperatures to get rid of the lice that may be off your body right now.  The saem goes for all of the stuffed animals etc.  If it might have a louse or a nit on it, wash and dry on high!

    Good luck. You can get rid of them this way and you are not doing harm to yourself or the environment with this solution.

  9. ok that d**n lice stuff they sell in stores dont really work all that well my step daughter had lice two years ago when i got with her dad i put manoaise in her hair let her sleep with it in and tie some sort of bag around all of her hair and wash it out the next moring then take a comb through her hair one of those little teeth combs and wash everything and she hasnt had anything in er hair since so it really does work i tell all my friends and they said they havent seen anything since they did it!! so try it!! i know its nasty but it works really good and it costs alot less the the medicine in the stores!!!

  10. LOL I actually had that problem when I was little, and I researched my self for home remedies due to lack of funds and found that mayonnaise w/ a fine tooth comb works because of the oils and it also softens the haor afterwards
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