
How to get more muscle?

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I am 13 and im pretty skinny, I am fairly athletic, and I eat a LOT. Why don't I have very much fat or muscle? What are some ways (not going to the gym but little exercises i can do in my room) that I can gain more muscle?




  1. okay another non weight trainer but i'll help.

    the routine is not personal to you and is a base guideline for all hoem work outs that i advise with


    squats 3 sets perform until legs cramp up

    stationary lunges 3 sets perform until legs cramp up

    calf raises 3 sets perform until calves cramp up


    tricep dips between chairs 3 sest until failure with own body weight

    tricep press ups(arms parralel with chest and tight against body) 3 sets until failure with own body weight


    wide grip chin ups 3 sets until failure with own bodyweight( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your back whilst dangling from bar)

    close grip chin ups 3 sest until failure with own body weight ( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your back whilst dangling from bar)


    wide grip press ups 3 sest until failure with own bodyweight

    raised feet press ups 3 sest until failure with own bodyweight


    close grip pull ups 3 sest until failre with onwn bodyweight ( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your biceps whilst dangling from bar)


    handstand pressups 3 sest until failure with own body weight( if canot do free style rest feet against wall this is very hard so if unable to do do jacknife press ups instead )


    double crunches 3 sest until abs cramp

    leg raises 3 sest until abs cramp

    plank 3 set suntil failure

    bicylce kicks 3 sest until abs cramp

    but e-mail me if you want more help

  2. You have fast metabolism. This means that your burning excess fat faster. You should try sit-ups or something. Hopefully you will get a six pack. Push-ups if your strong enough and want bigger biceps, arms. If you want fat you should lay around for hours watching T.V, and eat more junk foods. =]

    Hope I helped =]

  3. well if you are serious about getting muscle you need a high protein diet. do cardio to help tone your body and burn fat. pushups work the abs and triceps. but if you want big biceps the only workout you can do without going to a gym is maybe curls if you have weights, or pullups.  

  4. hey man . no offense but u  shouldn't get into weight lifting right now because your way to young  and your body cant handle it right now . but you need to play sports and eat normaly and you will be fine. once you go to high school then u could start with some low weight .

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