
How to get out of school?

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i really dont want to go to school today how do u think i can get out of it! didnt got Friday but that was moms fault! because we were moving and i just need a day with no one home where i can rest since all i did this weekend and yesterday was move! i got like bit on my leg and a little rash because of it i though about using that but it doesnt look that bad this morning! what eles can i do?




  1. It's easier just to go than stress about fake excuses - the day will be over soon enough.

  2. Just say the schools closed Lol

  3. go. that's the best way.

  4. Being away from school means that you will miss work that is expected to be done. If you don't collect that and do it in a timely fashion, your grades will suffer. Missing school means missing lectures that are important for tests, and on and on. You don't want to miss school unless you don't care about doing decently in your subjects. And if you don't care about that, you have another problem altogether, a problem you will probably want to talk about with some adult who cares about you.

  5. I just say I have a sore throat and talk throatily, works for me!

  6. Um. JUST GO! You need it.  

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