
How to get over a guy?

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It's too complicated to explain it all...not to mention LONG soo..yeah. But I know he doesn't like me back b.c he doesn't try to act like a gentleman around me...he burps on purpose and doesn't say excuse me, says things guys wouldn't say to a girl if he was trying to impress her...and I think he might like another girl. :[




  1. lame, user "whitney" stop anwering q's and go slap yourself

  2. Just push him out of your head. As hard as that may be... Your too good for him and he sounds like a loser. Theres plenty of fishies in the sea =]

  3. This guy doesn't sound very nice. Tell yourself how disgusting he is, exaggerate it a little, and then think of a guy who is much smarter, cuter, more of a gentleman, and polite, and tell yourself, "That guy is out there, I just have to find him." And you will!!  

  4. You stop liking him.


  5. Were you in love with him?

    If so then just cry it out and cut him out of your life.

    I know its rough but trust me you can do it.

    If things ended because he treated you bad and he tries to be your friend, just remember, friends dont mistreat friends. And if e actually cared about you he wouldnt of lied about his feeling towards you.

  6. Sweety, he acts like a pig and he's a total jerk. Get some closure (like telling him he's a totaly pig) and just try and see how unhappy you would have been with a guy like that.

    ...& if that doesnt work. buy a bucket of ice-cream, a shovel (for convenience sake) and rent a bunch of chick flicks. It helps to just cry it all out and get it over with.

  7. this sounds really bad, but

    find a new guy

    honestly, you wont even think about the other one
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