
How to get saudi driving licence???

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How to get saudi driving licence???




  1. If you aren't a Saudi, better to check with your company cuz it's difficult to do the paper work in Arabic.

    Good luck

  2. need a saudi representative to be with you in applying for a saudi license at driving school. If you have a driver license from your country, have it translated in arabic and submit it along with the application form so you dont need to attend driving lessons. They will schedule you for one day orientation for actual driving including the correct parking of the car. Then, when they see that you can drive, they'll schedule you for the acutal exam which is divided in 2 parts --actual driving and computer exam. If you pass that one, you can get your driving license the next day after you have paid the insurance and the license. Its better to use the company insurance to lessen your payments.....

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