I have a 16 year old brother who I am beginning to think, needs help. He's been smoking weed and drinking (he didn't drink a lot back then) since he was 13. He experimented with coke, tabs and meth during his freshman year of high school and now he's about to go into his junior year. All he does now is smoke weed and drink (I know for a fact he's not messing with anything else anymore, so please don't ask or make a comment about it). And he insists on going out every single night. He's only 16 and he comes home at 3 or 4 in the morning. The other night he didn't come home until the 7 the next morning. My parents tell him to be home by 12 or 1 and they call him all the time to get home and they lecture him, ground him, reason with him... they've done every single thing a parent can possibly do except send him away. They understand he's a teenage boy and he's "having fun" which is why he can stay out until at least 1, but it's gotten to the point where it's ridiculous. If they tell him he can't go out, he just leaves (he doesn't have a car, someone picks him up). He has issues with anger and fights and yells at my mom all the time. I'm the only person he really talks to in the family, we tell each other nearly everything (I even tell him I worry and tells me it's not a big deal) and he's my best friend but I can't even get through to him. He doesn't understand what he's doing isn't right especially for his age and that he's tearing the family apart. My mom is always crying, my dad is down to his last straw, my other siblings are affected by watching their brother do this and me... well I'm leaving for college in a few weeks and I cry and don't want to leave anymore because I feel if I do.... everything will really fall apart.
I mean I'm not sure if he has developed an alcohol dependency or what. I'm honestly confused and not sure of how to figure out what's going on with him.
Is there anything I can do to get through to him?
I'm worried something really bad will happen one day and I'm ready to have a breakdown.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.