
How to have bigger balls?

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What can I do to have bigger balls (not literally) Basically, how can have the attitude of "don't mess with me" without being a crazy jerk? I don't want people to treat me like c**p and feel like they can get away with it.




  1. Being confident has nothing to do with how macho you can act.  People treat you the way you allow them to treat you.  Think about women.  There are some women guys treat like princesses.  There are some doormats you cheat on.  Some you know would kick you to the curb and another guy would be taking your place within a day.  Your guy friends would even be calling you an idiot for letting her go.  And there are some girls you know wouldn't dare to break up with you b/c they clearly think you are god's gift and the best they could get.  My boyfriend's always knew they were lucky to date me.  They always knew where the standards were and that if they didn't make the grade, I'd move on so fast they would be spinning.  My best friend dates guy after guy who cheats on her.  She has no idea what she does to attract these losers.  She has no self esteem.

    It's the same way with men.  You either believe in your own self worth and think you deserve to be treated with respect, or you don't.  Don't look down at the floor when you meet someone.  Make eye contact.  Don't hunch over.  Be the initiator.  Walk up to someone, reach out your hand to shake hands.  Be knowledgeable about a lot of subjects so that you can hold a conversation with anyone.

    You have the attitude of "don't mess with me" when you believe they wouldn't dare mess with you.  You don't have to be a jerk about it.  You don't have to walk around with a chip on your shoulder, trying to pick fights with someone.  You merely believe you are a person people WANT to get to know.  Someone people want to talk to, respect, and want to be like.

  2. carry around a basketball instead of a tennis ball.  (if nothing else, you can hit the "jerk" in the face with the basketball) (walk taller, and be aware of what's going on around you.)

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