
How to help the kids sleep?

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Me &my best friend are driving up the coast with 5 kids in tow.

Ages range from 7 - 2.

We are going to be driving almost constantly for a few days. Sleeping will be from about 11pm-12amish when we get to a motel until about 7am. They fall alseep in the car usually at about 7pm-9pm ish.

By the time we reach the motel they have woken up a fair few times each.

- How do we help them sleep while driving?

They are only young, they need as much sleep as possible!

Oh, and how do we keep them entertained while driving? We are stopping about every 4hrs consistently, sometimes more often if we see something..

Any helpful suggestions?





  1. I have done a similar trip with my kids. The best thing is to stop as often as you can to let them run and have fresh air, plent of kid friendly music in the car that will let them relax, sing along ect and plenty of comfort, i.e pillows, blankets, that make them feel cosy. The car may look a mess, but kids (and adults) love comfort. Make sure they also have books, colouring etc to keep them entertained and play car games like I Spy with the older ones. It will be a challenge, no one likes being in a car for long periods of time, especially kids, try not to stick to strobly to time frame if they need a run, for you and their sanity, stop as often as you can. Also, make sure you don't give them too many sugary treats! THis alone will make the trip a nightmare, they will be full of energy with no where to burn it except in your ears! Once you are at the motel, have the beds ready then unload and settle the kids quickly, then you also can relax. I wish you Good Luck, I bet this will be the only time you try this, we only did it once!  

  2. my sister has this stuff its called johnsons bedtime stuff, and it helps her baby go to sleep JUST LIKE THAT. just rub some of that on them & it will help them sleep really good.

  3. sleeping pills and dvds

  4. sing good night songs and calm songs to your kids. It will sleep soon without disturbing you. Have a great day. Bye....

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