
How to hike a football? ?

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I'm trying to teach a 9 y/o kid how to do a shotgun hike. He can do it with one hand pretty consistant and comfortable. His coach wants him to use 2 hands. When he uses 2 hands...he has a tendancy to hike it high or over the QB. Should we stick with 1 hand...or go for the 2 hand technique?

Also, can the defense CAN the center..or does that only apply to punting or field goal situations?




  1. Well he needs to work on long snapping with two hands.  He's nine so there is a lot of risk having him long snap with one hand and I find it hard to believe his hands are big enough at 9 to do it efficiently.  2 hands and aim at the numbers of the quarterback.  Just practice and practice that's all you can do.  

  2. Tell his coach to just let him use 1 hand, as if that is more consistent, that is perfect as he is able to use his other one while he is snapping to put up a temporary barrier to guard himself while he snaps, or the more agressive plan, if he is really strong, to try to knock the other guy on his can.

  3. I Would use the one hand technique because then he can use his other hand instantly to guard the QB. Also he is more consistent.  

  4. 1st question- use 1 hand on shotgun and 2 for long snap that is the way the game is played.

    2nd- only applies for punt and field goal

  5. It's a good opportunity for everyone to learn a lesson here.  When bringing a kid to an organized sport, never sabotage a coach. Do what he says, and have the kid learn how to snap the ball with 2 hands.  Too many cooks spoil the broth.  Always re-enforce the coach in front of the kid.  If you have questions, go to the coach when the kid isn't around and ask.

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