
How to identify????

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i think i have pshychic power how to confirm and identify my powers.please reply properly.




  1. Put your head in a large,deep bucket of water,THREE times, and take it out TWICE.

  2. if your psychic you just know, there is no doubt in your mind.  If you want to identify your 'powers' have a look on Wikipedia type in Clairvoyant and it'll show you all the different types of psychic abilities that fall under that category.

  3. Usually if you think, you do.

    There are tons of ways to see where you are at.  I believe we are all gifted... just on different levels and with different strengths.

    I am not good with ESP, yet I can tell you what your great-grandma wore on her 4th birthday if she showed it to me from the other side.

    It's complicated.  What do you feel drawn towards... spirits, etc...  guess work (esp)... there are many things.  Please be careful not to mix yourself with the wrong people.  You'll probably be able to "feel" people out. If there is any kind of strange feeling you get from a person who wants to help you with your abilities, just turn and leave.  You'll find your niche.  Good luck :).

  4. There are several ways to find out if you have psychic ability.  If someone phones you do you know who it is before you answer it, or do you have dreams of events or situations happening around you and they come true.  Do you ever know how your friends are feeling even before they tell you there down, depressed or having a bad day.  Have you ever seen and communicated with a ghost or spirit.  Have you ever just known things about people that happen to be true.  There are many articles throughout the internet that can help you discover and if need be develop psychic abilities if you have them.

  5. i am not exactly pyschic but i have a lot of precognative dreams, meaning i dream of things before they happen, things that i cant have known and events or actions i would not have necessarily normally done. that is my claim to my 6th sense anyway. its difficult to prove and identify that you have this ability. because of my dreams i make sure i write them down and then tell people of them that way i have proof, my family have just become used to it, i guess i have to. i think you would need to go to a professional to truely identify them. i know that i have precognative dreams and so do my friends and family. there are sosme sites that do free pychoc readings like the card reading activity, as in square, wavely lines. good luck with your fututre, remember these "powers" arent always a good thing, ive dreamt things i didnt wanna see. make sure this is something that you want.

  6. I am thinking of a number of points....

    To confirm your powers, simply add this exact number of points

    to my Yahoo! Answers account....

  7. How many thumbs up and thumbs down points will my answer get me?
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