
How to improve my game?

by Guest31985  |  earlier

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i am 17and i have been golfing for two years now and got a pretty good grip on the game ... my problem is i cant hit the ball concitainly good in a round of golf.....does anyone know anything i could do like practices tech or something?/ make my swing better???please let me know!!




  1. Swinging a club with a weighted shaft in your spare time will help your swing plane and flexibility.  Momentus makes a good one or you can pick up a knockoff at wal-mart for like $25 and it does the same thing.

  2. work work work work work  work work work work.

  3. Without seeing your swing I wouldn't like to comment as theirs as much a chance that i'll mess it up even more than help you.

    What you really need is a couple of lessons. It sounds like your not to far away from becoming a consistent hitting golf machine!!

    Don't be afraid to take better players advice.

    DVD's and Books are ok but are aimed more at a general player and general faults rather than individual problems.

    Bite the bullet, take the lessons, trust me, you'll thank me later.

  4. go to the driving range, and pick a tree or flag and try to hit over it or to it on every shot.  Use all your clubs starting with wedges and moving up to driver.  Make sure your setup changes for each club.  The longer the club the closer to the inside left heel, is where the club head should be on address.  Take nice comfortable swings, and just try to make contact with the ball, don't try to kill it.  Practice makes perfect.

  5. You have to be able to analyse your own swing.

    Take a video camera to the driving range with you and give thumbs up or point which way you sliced/hooked.

    I also drew on my golfballs whick left marks on the golf heads. It showed me where I was making contact and helped me to self correct stance to center my hits

  6. well, just keep practicing and you should improve.

    You can also sign up for a golf clinic, and people will be able to help you improve your swing. There are also self-help golfing video's that can help.


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