
How to keep busy on flights?

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I am about to go on a long 11 hour flight. I need a way to keep busy. I have a psp. Please list out possible things i can do or buy to do. By the way i am flying economy and i am a kid.




  1. Listen to a book on CD or tape

    Read a book

    Watch movies

    Listen to music

    Write letters to loved ones

    Write gifts lists for loved ones for birthdays or Christmas

    Write wish list for your own birthday or Christmas

  2. buy plenty and magazines and books

    there will probably be movies and entertainment on the plane

    also, bring music to listen to and buy some electronic games

  3. There will probably be inflight entertainment so you can watch movies when you get bored with the psp. Or look out the window if you are at a window seat.

  4. if its a red eye flight, sleep the whole way. [:

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