
How to lower grocery bill?

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I got married 2 months ago and kept my full time job, that is 50miles away. We decided that I should quit and find work else where. (I also work part-time and can always pick up extra hours)

He makes plenty to cover our bills but I'm going to fill bad so am looking ways to cut costs. Since I do the cooking I figured it would be best to start with the grocery bill.

Other then coupons and store saver cards, How can I cut down on the bill?

Thank you




  1. Eat more vegetarian meals. They are less expensive. Make bean burritos and pasta dishes. Omelets and pancakes are good for dinner too.

  2. I buy the bigger packages (cheaper) of groceries that are freezable. If I buy fresh pasta such as Bertolli, I get the large size, use half for the 2 of us and put the other half in a freezer bag and use it at another time. I would at the same time cook a larger amount of pasta sauce and freeze half to use the next time.

    I buy "family size" meats, chicken etc, and freeze what I don't use. Of course when I put them in the bags, I would only put what is needed per a meal in each bag.

    I found that bread would go stale so I also wrap our bread and bakery items in freezer safe bags (2 pieces of bread per a bag) put them bag in the original bag and place in the freezer. I would then take out only what is needed.

    This can be done with almost anything freezable. It takes extra time when I get home, but it has saved me a lot of money in the long run.

  3. simply get a kroger plus card


  5. If you have no kids, and you go to the grocery weekly, try going every two weeks instead. l actually go to the grocery every 3mths, it's just both of us.

  6. You don't have to quit buying alot of certain foods.  For instance if you shop at Walmart buy the Great Value brands. Most of the time it does not taste any different. You can also look through other grocery ads and bring the ad to Walmart and they will sale it at that price. Coupons will also help. Good luck!

  7. besides the obvious answers or coupon clipping and buying more store brands, there's a website called that has some really great tips on making the most of your money in the grocery store and about anywhere else too. they have articles about the "grocery shrink ray" which details which products have shrunk in size but not in price. they also have articles about which stores advertise so-called "deals" when if you only pay attention they aren't so great. which, by the way, they say target and walmart are really bad for this!

    here are two links i got from but you can just type "grocery" into the search box and find a treasure trove of good ideas.

    hope this helps!

  8. Look at the weekly sale ads from the stores where you shop. Plan your weekly meals around the items that are on sale. If you have a Sam's Club or other warehouse store near you, shop there to stock up on items you use frequently. When you're trying to choose from more than one size of a particular item, look at the unit price (it's found right above the cost of the item on the shelf sticker). The one with the lowest unit price is your best value -- as long as you'll use it all. Try not to buy prepackaged meals. They are usually a lot more expensive than making something from scratch.

    The most important thing is to make a list at home and stick to it. If you have a hard time sticking to your list, consider purchasing your groceries online. Impulse purchases account for a lot of extra spending in the grocery store.

  9. Dont buy brand name..... that saves A LOT

  10. Buy cheaper groceries....

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