
How to lower the eyesight presricption?

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I have really bad eyesight, like my mom her eyesight is LOWER than mine. And she works at a place where you pretty much go on the computer 24/7.

Anyways, recently I've wanted contacts, and my mom finally said yes after showing her that I am responsible. But my eye doctor told me that I am cross-eyed, and this year I have to have bifocal glasses which will help ease my eye muscle that's making me cross-eyed or something.

But I can't have contacts, because they don't sell bifocal contacts, and they said it's best for me too stay with glasses, until my crosseyes are gone.

But, my question is will eating raw spinach aand carrots, help me lower my eyesight, and more importantly my cross-eyes.?

and what else can I do to lower my eyesight?




  1. First of all, your doctor is correct. You are better off with glasses if you have a crossed eye. But, what they will put in your lenses is called PRISM - not a bifocal. It's basically a characteristic they put in a lens to where when you put it on it forces your eye straight. They don't make contact lenses with prism. They DO, however, make bi-focal contacts - but that's not what you're needing!

    The only way to fix a crossed eye is to either put prism in your lenses (which will only work while you're wearing them), or surgery which is permanent. Other than that nothing will fix it. As for vision in general, people need correction because of the SHAPE of the cornea, which effects how it refracts light. It has nothing to do with nutrition. Yes, vegetable are good for you and can help with certain things like night vision,etc.... But, eating veggies will not correct any of the structural problems you have with your eyes.

    I would say to talk to your mom about surgery. It would be covered under your medical insurance and you can get it permanently fixed! Once that's fixed, you can wear contacts! Good luck!

  2. Well..hon..your not "lowering" your would be "improving" your eye sight....

    I would do exactly what your eye Dr is telling you to do...I have eaten raw spinach and carrots my whole life and I have been wearing glasses since I was 8 years old (41 YEARS!)...I have very dry eyes so contacts are horribly uncomfortable for I wear glasses (my vision by the way is 20/400 in each eye..I am nearsighted and have astigmatism in both eyes)....but no, ususally diet will not make that big of a difference.

    Glasses can be classy..and there's no shame in wearing them until YOUR Dr feels you are ready for something else...

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