
How to make a rat hammock?

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please be detailed maybe add links or anything you can supply me with!




  1. Here are some hammock detail sites:

    I just use any old, worn out fabric, poke holes with paper clips in 4 opposite corners, and use the paper clips as hooks.

  2. this link is awesome! it shows u how 2 make LOADS of toys 4 ur rats

    Hope this help + good luck with ur ratties =DDDDD

  3. if you have a barred cage just stick 2 sticks through ang put a cloth over it.then safety pin the bottom of the's hard to explain.hope that helped.

  4. well there are many ways you can make a rat hammock but why dont yuo get creative.

  5. the most simple way i have found is to cut a pillow case the size and shape u want it. u can have 1 layer of fabric or put two on top of each other so your rat can go inside. if u make one that your rat can go inside of don't sew one of the sides together or you could sew all of the side together and cut a hole in one of the fabric sheets so the rat can get inside.

    1. cut size and shape of pillow case

    2. punch holes on all the sides of the fabric except 1

    3. get string and pull it through the holes going up one hole and down through the next.

    4. when u get to the end of that one side cut string and tie, but don't sinch up the fabric unless u want a small hammock, just leave slack so the fabric lays flat.

    5. do number four to the rest of the sides except one

    6. tie string onto every corner and hang in cage!

    if u want to make one with no opening that the rat can't get into then u can add some bedding inside the hammock to make it softer

    7. if u want a plain one with only 1 layer then punch holes on all four sides and tie up to cage.

    p.s.  if u are good at hand sewing or the sewing machine (unlike me) then u can do the same process except instead of punching holes and weaving string just sew!

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