
How to make bread?

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How to make bread?




  1. Get a breadmaker and follow the recipes that come with it - that's the best way. Bread dough is VERY tricky to make. The maker will mix up the dough for you, and you can cook it in there or in the oven.

  2. This is the recipe I always use, for a basic white loaf.  Apologies if you're in the USA and some of the measurements are different, this is from a British cookery book.  I find that the bread stays fresh for longer if you use water that potatoes have been boiled in (the starch from the potatoes gives it a boost somehow).  You will need:

    - 500 grams strong white bread flour (plus some for kneading)

    - 1 sachet (7 grams) easy blend yeast or 15 grams fresh yeast

    - 1 tablespoon salt

    - around 300 ml tap water or potato water (warm)

    - 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened

    Here’s what you do:

    - Put the flour, yeast, and salt in a bowl then add 200 ml of the water. As you add the water mix with a wooden spoon (or your hand). Add more water until it becomes a “shaggy mess”.  Now add the butter and mix in.

    - Now start kneading (yey!) for at least 10 minutes. There may be a day, long into my bread future, when I may tire of pushing the heel of my hand into a mound of pliant dough over and over (thinking very deep thoughts), but until that day comes I won’t be using the dough hook.

    - Add flour as needed (if the dough seems too sticky).

    - When the dough is smooth and less sticky, form it into a ball and place it in a large oiled or buttered bowl, turning it once so the top is greased too. Cover loosely with cling film (or a tea towel) and leave to rise for an hour or so until doubled in bulk. You can also opt to give it a long cold rise in the fridge overnight.

    - Once doubled in size, punch it down (another fun part!) and knead for just a tiny moment.

    - Form the dough into what ever shape you want and place it on a baking sheet (or loaf tin) and once again cover loosely with cling film or a tea towel. Leave for 30 minutes or so until puffy again.

    - Remove towel and dust lightly with flour. Place in a 220C oven and bake for 35 minutes.

    - You know it’s ready when you rap on the underside and it sounds hollow.- When done, place on a rack and let it cool.

  3. go to and type in any kind of bread you want to make.  I've tried a recipe for French baguette and it turned out great.

    hope this helps, good luck

  4. I got a bread machine and it came with instructions on how to make bread
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