
How to make hiccups go away!?

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DID YOU KNOW.. that thinking of a pineapple makes your hiccups go away straight away. its true. it works with everyone ive told. does anyone know why?




  1. That's very strange and i've never heard of that before but the next time i get hiccups i'm going to try that =) and i cant think of why it helps.

  2. Must just be the surprise of being told to think of a pineapple.  Surprises are supposed to stop hiccups.  A really effective method is to tell someone you will pay them if they can hiccup again.  Someone said that to me and I was actually disappointed when it immediately stopped :).

  3. What the real cure for hiccups?

    Take a very deep breath. Fill your lungs all the way up and hold it. Then push out your belly like it is a beer belly then tighten all of the ab muscles while still holding your breath and pushing out your tummy and try to do a crunch. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly blow the air out and straighten up. I am not kidding. It always works for every one I have taught...

    Your diaphragm causes hiccups. By doing this, it is like hitting a reset button on your diaphragm and your hiccups are gone. Even the painful huge ones go away.

    Be careful because eating a big meal puts pressure on the diaphragm and can cause those pesky hiccups.  

  4. that is just stupid, that doesn't work.  

  5. Death cures all illnesses.

  6. sometimes if someone scares you the hiccups can go away and they say to hold a paper bag over your head too.

  7. Pineapples have nothing to do with your diaphragm- that's stupid. Maybe it's a placebo?

    The best way I've found to get rid of my hiccups is to bend down and touch my toes for a minute. Works for me!

  8. No it doesn't, I've had the hiccups every day for three years and I've thought of pineapple plenty of times. Still hiccuping!

  9. OMG! this works EVERYTIME FOR ME! a spoonful of peanut butter. no joke. this always works! just try it

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