
How to make my skin clear?

by  |  earlier

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I want it ALL one color(without makeup)

like, maybe a tannish color, because now i have freckles and different colors on my skin. Any home remedies i can do?

also how to get rid of these tiny tiny pimple things i have on my nose and under eyes?




  1. try make up. its the best way, use bare minerals

  2. Go to my website there you will find a great skin care system you can also order from there.  

  3. Same problem with me! I used to have the little bump things on my nose and under my eyes, I also had freckles! But I started to wash my face every night and it went away! Besides if you wash your face make sure your skin isn't that sisitive, because mine is and now my skin is dry and icthy! Anyways just wash your face everynight and it should go away! :)

  4. make sure you dont eat too much fast food eat fruits and veggies and drink lots of water maybe that will help other then that prolly make up. i like mabeline the new kind where you can pick out the tones it is a little more then regular makeup not too much though. good luck.

  5. if you drink A LOT of water every day it will keep your face clean and looking healthy!

    hope this helps :D

  6. do this and your pimples will just crust off:

    Get a pot of boiling water + add olive oil

    then drape yourself in a towel and go over the pot so the steam hits your face (:

    you'll get clear skin in NO time

    + use a gradual tanning cream on the face and your done :D

  7. I recommend you Clearasil Ultra Daily Face started working for me in about 2 days...Just use it in the morning and before you go to bed and everything will be ok...and make sure to use it everyday

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