
How to make my teeth whiter?

by Guest32405  |  earlier

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kay, i have a problem my teeth aren't very white, i hate it , i have baking soda but i don't have any in the house yet and my mom doesn't buy hydrogen peroxide . I'm 13 and this is a big problem , HELP ! what can i use instead of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide .




  1. Well you should go to the dentist and get your teeth whitened and if you don't want to go to the dentist for some odd reason then there are private practices that just do teeth whitening for cash you don't have to go through insurance you could go in that direction.

  2. hey there,

    one thing that it s worth knowing regarding the whiteness of your teeth is that without professional cosmetic dentistry treatments there is no safe way to take the colour of your teeth any whiter than it naturally is. It is possible however with whitening toothpastes and other home products to take your teeth back to their natural colour. Some of the things that can cause discolouration of your teeth are tea, coffee, red wine, smoking and some medications. At your age I doubt that smoking and wine will have been a factor, but if you drink a lot of tea that can make your teeth become stained.

    If you choose to use a product at home then check the ingredients and instructions carefully, and tell your mum you are using it as they occasionally cause allergic reactions. If you go to your dentist it is likely to be expensive.

    When you think about the colour of your teeth it is worth noting that most peoples natural colour is not "white" but a pale cream-to creamy yellow colour. This is because your teeth are the only part of your skeleton to be visible, they are made of bone.

    An easy way to make your teeth appear whiter is to use a lipstick or gloss that has vaguely blue undertones, so a plummy liptick or a deep red, or even some pinks. On the other hand orangey-red, coral and salmon pink colours will make your teeth look more yellow.

    To care for your teeth generally do not drink too much juice or pop, and brush your teeth 2-3 times a day, for 2 minutes at a time. use dental floss at least once a day and also clean your tongue when your brush. You may prefer to gargle with mouthwash as well, but be warned - some of these have been known to stain some peoples teeth.

    Do not brush straight after you have eaten, especially if you ahve eaten sugery or acidic food (eg orange, grapefruit, pineapple etc) because the acid along with the bruhing action can erode into your teeth creating small grooves in which plague can get stuck - increasing your chaces of staining.

    I hope this helps anyway.

  3. Brush after every meal, every day.

    White strips work also.  

  4. Next time you go to your dentist, talk to him/her about whitening. Most dentists have a process called Zoom whitening. It is a painless laser whitening program. If you dont want to do that, ask about whitening trays. you sleep in them every night and youll start to see a difference. if not, yo ucould try some simple whitening strips.  

  5. Teeth Whiteners.

    They work really well.  

  6. Drink bleach.

  7. go and have your teeth whitened

    but they wont come cheap

  8. hahahahaah drink bleach NICE

    uhh i use listerine 5 minute white strips that work SUPER well

    n they dissolve in five minutes and taste like mouthwash not some digusting goop lol

  9. use the little whitening strips

  10. Toothpaste.


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