
How to make upperclassmen friends??

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I am going to be starting the 9th grade on Monday, and by random good luck I got into Spanish 1 (in my school it is nearly impossible to get spanish your freshman year). I spoke to the teacher today at orientation, and she confirmed my fear that I am the only 9th grader in her class. There are 3 seniors, and the rest juniors. My problem is that I am kind of shy, and I don't know how to make new friends without being obnoxious. I don't want to be "the little freshy" that everyone makes fun of. I want to fit in. Any suggestions? Thank you so much.




  1. You really dont need to do much but talk. It will most likely just happen. Thats the good thing about having classes with all grade levels, you get to mingle with the upperclassmen and underclassmen.  

  2. Just talk to your classmates like you would do students in your own grade.  In high school, you will end up having lots of classes with students of different grades, and nobody is going to think twice about it.  Don't worry; nobody will look down at you.  Good luck!

  3. Don't try to act cool. You'll make yourself look stupid. Just act normal, but don't be immature. Also, don't let them make you feel bad or let them influence you to do stupid stuff like party or drink or whatever. I've gone through high school without going to parties all the time and getting drunk, and I've still had a blast! Just have fun, and don't let them intimidate you. Basically, don't give them a reason to be mean.

  4. I'm scared about high school too.  I'm just going to try to act quiet & hopefully i'll slowly fit in if i don't make too big of an immature image.

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