
How to make yourself prettier??

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can you message me and help me thanks!





  2. Confidence is the key.  People of either s*x are attracted to confident people.  

    Also, most people have one or two features of their face or body that stand out in a good way.  You need to emphasise these features.  

    Eg.  My best facial features are my eyes and my lips.  To emphasise my eyes I wear a little eyeliner and mascarra.  My lips, I wear lightly coloured lip gloss..

    Tell me, what do you think are your best features..????

  3. get urself new clothes, go to a beautician and get a make over which should include change of ur hairstyle.

    not everyone is blessed with good looks. u have to develop it. the trick is to look neat, impeccable and show good manners.

  4. Makeup and plastic surgery, but if that is you in your avatar pic, then I don't think you have to worry about anything  

  5. Jenny,

        1.  Smile alot.

        2.  Stand up straight, look forward, and meet people eye to eye.

        3.  Wear clothing that isn't 'frumpy'.  It doesn't need to be revealing or expensive.  Faded jeans and a nice t-shirt can be super s**y on a woman.  

        4.  Wear a modest amount of perfume.  Don't make it something that smells like baby powder and flowers.  Wear something like Anais Anais, Red, Eternity for Women, or something like that.  In other words, a decent perfume with an attractive scent, and remember - "less is more".  Triggering allergies is not good.

        5.  Confidence is attractive.  Even if you aren't, watch other women that are.  Learn from them.  Watch how they carry themselves,  don't hug themselves with their arms, don't look down,  don't take small steps, and so on.  They walk as if they were having the most fabulous day.   Keep in mind that the most beautiful supermodel in the world does not attract everyone.  You will be very attractive to some guys, no matter what you do.  Do the things above, and you'll be attractive to even more of them.  Don't worry about the ones that you do not attract.  They do not lessen your beauty.  


  6. YOu are fine dont get surgery cause you can turn out worse then you are now makeup is all you can do thats safe but you dont need to change who you are

  7. first of all im sure you r pretty and shouldn't have to worry about it since almost everyone has their own unique beauty!! But what always works for me is to focus on your eyes since they are "the window to your soul" (yes, i know it is chessey!:)) So i would by black eyeliner and wear it. It makes your eyes look fuller and makes you look s**y!! Guys will hit on you instantly! Also wear mascara! I use coverblast from covergirl and it is AMAZING!! I hope that helps and if you neeed more advice feel free to email me! Oh and by the way you dont need makeup since im sure that you are GORGEOUS!! XOXO

  8. make up??

    better selfesteem- helps A LOT- even in the way u walk!

    surgery(preferably not this)


    PLEASE answer mine at


  9. It is hard to say without knowing what you look like now. I'm and sure you are already pretty! I don't know how old you are and i don't mean this to sound mean but at a certain age everyone feels awkward and self-conscience.

    Maybe look up on youtube how to put on make-up and pick up some tips from there and also how to do your are probably already pretty you just need to believe it yourself and have confidence.

  10. there are plenty of things you can do. but please dont ever get surgery! love yourself for the way you are. confidence is a great thing.

    but you can try putting on some more make up but try not to look fake! and get a great outfit that you look amazing in. you can even try new things with your hair. i personally look the best when i straighten my hair

  11. take care of yourself like shave your body do your hair dress a certain way you can look pretty by yourself it's the way you take care of your body.

  12. i wanna know that myself! maybe get lotsof sleep which I also  need cuz it will make your eyes stand out and less puffy and bags underneath them!

  13. Have a spa day. Go get a massage. Get a manicure and pedicure. Get your hair cut, and styled. Get your make up done. Shower yourself with new beauty products, like shampoo. Get some new shades of make up to bring out your facial features an play up the ordinary. Then, get a new outfit, and put it all together.

    Hope this helps.


  14. wear make up it makees u look sexier[well at least that's what i do]and think of your self as preety:]

  15. youre joking right?

    youre only as pretty as you feel and all that other BS they tell you in feel good school.  

    so quit pouting it causes wrinkles and get over yourself.  get a hobby or play with a kitten.  

    chin up

    eat your veggies

    say your prayers

    move on.

  16. Wait till you die, then if there really is an afterlife, hope you come out good looking.

  17. You don't. You learn to accept who you are and become confident.

    You can also learn how to enhance your beauty and bring out your features through flattering clothes and appropriate makeup. Email me any time!

  18. Wear makeup, Straighten your hair, or curl it, which ever one suits you better, buy nice brand name clothes, find a nice nail polish that suits your skin. Buy allot of cute shoes... and purses :D

  19. If you get plastic surgery the only thing you will get is a face like michael jackson's. Be happy with what you have.

  20.   I think you should try cover up . It covers up unwanted spots such as blemishes, acne, pimples, and freckles . You can also put it on your eyes, right above your eye, below your eye brow, to cover up veins, and what not . Try some lip stick . Go to Mac [ makeup store ], or a Sears or Zellers . Ask a profecianal on what lip stick you should use . nothing's worse then getting a bright red lipstick that doesn't match, or a close to white lipstick . .. . . .. lol

  21. try getting a makeover at a counter in your mall. its usually free and makeup always helps you feel prettier and more confident. plus find an amazing outfit you know you look good in :]

  22. photo shop you picture and tell everyone that you're recovering from a fall where you hit your face

  23. just be yourself and dont worry so much about it. stress makes you look older after a while jus relax be happy with how you look

  24. why don't you focus on your education instead of vanity. you would be surprised at how attractive an intelligent woman is to a man vs. some stupid blonde that only cares about being pretty. that is nothing but a turn off. grow up and accept your natural looks. there are already too many shallow, vain air heads in this world, do you want to be one of them?  

  25. Plastic surgery

    Beauty is best achieved if you're naturally born with me. Jealous?

  26. self esteem/ self confidence can make you alot prettier.

    so i've heard lol

    if you see yourself beautiful others will see you the same.

    if you see yourself ugly others will see you the same.

    others will see you how you see yourself!!

    God bless

  27. Do what she does. She is sooooooooo cute!

  28. --> smile ;D

    --> makeup

    --> the way u do ur hair

    --> excersise (good for skin&health)

    --> plastic surgery, XD (i wouldnt though)

    --> botox ^

    --> get a makeover

    --> spray on tan?  

  29. Just be happy with who you are. One can make themselves look better by taking care of themselves, treating yourself to a makeover (e.g. M.A.C.) or treating yourself to a shopping spree. What matters most in the end is how you feel about yourself because if you are okay with you then everyone around you will see it. Another can be drop dead gorgeous and open your mouth and become dog ugly. You should be beautiful inside too.

  30. as long as u have all ur bones andnd other organs intact,,plus the use of ur brains...why worry about ur looks

  31. Your best bet is to be yourself. Don't dress up like a 2 cent w***e. Don't wear make-up (or at least a lot) don't wear clothes that just barely cover you up. To me that is disgusting. Just be yourself and if someone thinks your pretty then you know you're pretty. Don't change for people. Then they think other people are pretty not you if you're not being yourself. Just my opinion though.

    Hope I helped.


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