
How to motivate an Aquarius?

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Son is so different than our daughters they are out there doing things.(Cancer, Gemini, Virgo). His attitude is more hesitant, enouraging isnt' enough nor is yelling.. we(Aries and Taurus) are at a lost we know he is a good worker(he has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Techology) and has talent but he gets discouraged easily. What would get him out there doing things ...he seems terribly shy at times especially anything new.




  1. here are some suggestions:

    -tell him to set goals

    -ask him what do you WANT? - people should always know what they want...then you start making plans how to get there - I mean there has to be something he wants? money? travel? whatever....

    once he starts understanding what he wants he will start thinking about how to attain it... this is where your motivation comes in.. tell him he can! tell him to find his own ways of getting there....

    if all else fails - tell him to get a girlfriend!

    how is his self-esteem?

    good luck!

  2. He is "air"    with a brilliant intellect and unfathomable still ness and whirlwind force.

    to activate the intellect and get the stubbornness working for you - he must believe with his whole heart that he is helping humankind  in some unique way. if the labor equity balances out his ideals he will proceed with good humor. if not, he will lay back until his uniqueness fits the bill.  

    once he gets in there with his sleeves rolled up, it is one thing to another and he will see that he will always be busy. if he stays in this zone he will soon forget himself and focus on the work at hand –– what he wishes to accomplish. he will become merely the working instrument of his idealistic nature. but for now, he may be looking for his  "niche" –– where he wants to do what he needs to do.  (computer fields are good & they are often favored by the aquarian individual   ––– as is astrology, tv, broadcasting)

    until he satisfies this calling he will go off on "tangents" and "spin his wheels". (Two favorite phrases of aquarian friends of mine) . there are ways to frustrate an idealist, and he may be suseptible to influences beyond his control...

    if he is shy and self-conscious that just means he is not relaxed enough to forget his mind's eye and just BE himself. create an atmosphere where he can act silly or anyway he wants without fear of reprisal –––– eventually he will  realize that the outward professional "face" he has to put on for him to accomplish his work is not the same as the vulnerable trusting" inner self " he has with his close knit tribe.

  3. Pour water on him.

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