
How to overcome desire for s*x???

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How we can get rid of s*x. When u feel to have s*x and but simultaneously how can we get rid of such desire.




  1. Well, overcoming the desire for s*x is pretty hard but the most important thing to do is be patient, stay calm and think why I'm I about to have s*x, do she/he love me? If you ask yourself this question, you would know if your love friend loves you and do you too because I think people do s*x because they love each other while maybe most do it just to try or have fun. Another way is doing something other than s*x with your boy/girl friend (eg. go out to the movies). There's heaps of other ways, but I hope you can find another solution, good luck.

  2. Very difficult situation to handle take care do not indulge in bad deeds for satisfying this desire. Busy yourself make a time table and follow it with full determination. This devil is very powerful if you are not serious then it make you blind.

  3. just say no

  4. You can only reduce your desire for s*x. You cannot get rid of s*x desires. It is very human to have these desires. There are various ways you can adopt. How about trying to divert your attention to some things that you like to do. You could possibly go & meet your friends, see a movie, go for a long walk. Any thing that would take you away from these thoughts.

    If the desires are so very strong, I would suggest you to adopt self help. Wait for the right time & person. I am sure you would not allow some one to take advantage of your weaker moments & regret to live with them.

    Good Luck !

  5. Go for prayer and divert all your attention to your God.

  6. i dont think you can get rid of sexual feelings you just have to put your focus somewhere else. dont think about it. or try to distract yourself by doing something with a friend. going to the movies or out to eat.

  7. mental control. mind over matter. meditation. going to church. or masterbation

  8. think about your parents having s*x( :

  9. Why would you want to get rid of that desire?!  I always wanna have s*x with my fiance & I thought I was weird... apparently not, because I posted a question similar to yours ... and I got good responses...

    I wanna have s*x w/ my fiance ALL the time... Am I sick?;...

  10. Masturbation

  11. Masturbation is d best solln.

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