
How to play-play while playing?

by  |  earlier

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How to play-play while playing?




  1. play play while playing playing play play while play play while playing..

  2. play-play while playing with extremely serious S**t player face.

    u can consult GH. he's the expert.

  3. hi son!your mummy here!don't play-play!k

  4. haiya...dont play play ...

  5. mula mula, pastikan anda mempunyai lima biji buah limau perut.. tiga helai daun ketumbar yang ada ketumbit.. lima sudu minyak zaitun terlebih dara.. empat ketul asam jawa barat.. dan tujuh ulas bawang merah jambu.. tumbuk semua bahan tadi dan biarkan semalaman dibawah peti sejuk.. pada keesokan harinya.. ambil bahan yang telah disiapkan tadi dan jemur dihadapan rumah jiran dan  biarkan sehingga jiran anda mengamuk..

    eh j*p-j*p.. ko mintak ape ha tadi??? resepi kari ekor ikan kan???

    PEACE =D

  6. ask your daddy...err....i mean..your senior..the he he

  7. is this a hamsap question

  8. play with your g/f while playing with your other g/f. Do you forget it. I dont understand your question either.

  9. play curi ayam...

  10. Garis Halus very hamsap o.....

  11. Ayo kadavale,, kicik kicik sudah kasi manyak pening,  

  12. this is a dumb question.  

  13. Easy as A B C , left hold yours tightly, right hand inside hers gently.

    Got it?  No ?

    Oh dear,  then better refer to your daddy. He is an expert on this subject.

  14. Gindy Jr.. Dont play-play while playing, it is vely dangelous tau..

    Consult your grandpa b4 you play-play ah..

  15. get a handcuff, d***o, stick and ... candle ... oh yeah .. now you can play play while playing ... or you may blow the condom ... wahahha

  16. You are too young to know the answer..

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