
How to play volleyball?

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I have played lots of different sports my whole life but NEVER volleyball.My sophomore year I wasn't trying out for soccer,which I have played my whole life,cuz me and the coach are worst enemies!So I decided to try out for volleyball and I made it.I had so much fun and I learned to love that sport and learned the basic skills you need for it.When try-outs came for the next year,which I was a junior,i didn't make it because I only knew the basics.The coach was considering letting me stay cuz I have great potential but wouldn't get very much playing time,so she left the decision up to me.My decision was to not be on the team at all and train hard for a year till the next try outs!I'm gonna join a club team and get lessons,I alrealy have a personal trainer and a workout routine and everything,I love sports-sports r my LIFE and I understand not making the volleyball team but i am a true athlete and am gonna give it all I got to make it next year.If you have any tips for me please tell me!




  1. It's great that you love volleyball so much, it is an awesome sport.  I played it back in high school.  Just don't let it get in the way of your school work.  That is most important.

  2. thats great that you're not giving up. that takes a lot.

    i never played vb until i got to high school, and since i was on a guys team, in a small city, i was sort of hassled for playing what ppl saw as a "girls sport." but i stuck with it. i was made cpt of my freshman team, and immeadeatly moved to varsity my soph year. i didnt get much run 10th grade, but practicing is what really helped. stay in a good physical condition. run, do squats, cruntches. for your jump, keep your abs and legs (specifically quads) in the best shape you can, but nothing is going to do u better than running, so youll be conditioned to last as long as you want on the court. also, diamond pushups (this may be a bit much) if your a hitter, these will keep your shoulders toned, and you can put a lot of power behind your spikes.

    after 10th grade, and a year of working out, i was made a starter, and 1st team confrence all star. i was put in the newspaper all bc of the conditioning i was doing. staying in shape in the off season helped me and would help you a ton. dont get lazy, eat healthy, get a good nights sleep. remember that none of this means dont have a social life, i went to parties like 4 nights out of the week, so u dont have to worry, but just maybe designate an hour a day where u can just focus and work out. also, think about joining a club team. the players at a lot of clubs are decently experienced, and will be able to help u in person with ur game.

    i played club right up until my senior year, and then during the season and post season 12th grade, i was named team mvp, 1st team all star, and placed on the all state team for mass.

    staying in shape, knowing the mechanics, and under standing the main thing about volleyball- that you are only as good as the people around you. volleyball is all about chemistry and determination, and from what it sounds like, youre on the right path.

    good luck


  3. Wow! I give you major props for not giving up!

    Volleyball is my life and my passion... even though you only learned the basics your first year playing on the team, thats a great start. In volleyball you have to learn everything one step at a time...

    A few tips I can give you are:

    1. never give up- volleyball is tough, and sometimes girls on your team may make fun of you and may talk behind your back because they think you aren't good enough, but that isn't always the case. They may be jealous or want to bring you down so you don't play as well. Brush it off. I always have the theory that drama stays off the court. Once you step into a game, you are a team and you work together as one, not individual players

    2. stay focused- stay focused on what you are trying to do, don't get sidetracked and miss a workout because you want to go shopping or you are too tired, believe me, the times that I have missed a workout I only regret it later on

    3.. set goals- set goals, not huge goals but small ones!For example. at todays practice I am going to work on my serve and serve them short and deep than maybe the next day you will say today I am going to do 50 more pushups than I normally do or I am going to set 150 times to myself.. but make sure you actually reach your goal. don't give up!

    4. love what you do- this is most important because if you don't love volleyball than what is the point! I hate lifting weights, but I love hitting, well... without strong arms you can't snap the ball to the ground.. so yes, sometimes you may hate doing pushups or cruches, but just remember what you are doing it all for... and that is to make the team!!

    good luck and keep working..

    club volleyball is awesome and thats usually were you meet awesome people!!

    hope my tips helped !

  4. Keep doing what you are doing!  Volleyball is a blast, and very much a team sport.  People out there get dead serious about it, and now it has become a heavy competitor's sport.  We used to jsut go play on sunday afternoons and have fun, but it's different now.  It's like tennis of golf, or football!

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